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Transform Mania is a movement of creating a better India for the next generation. We are trying to reach more people through this blog, so that we can create awareness on Education, Environment, Politics, Superstition etc. If you like our work, please subscribe to our channel and be a part of this mission.

Transform Mania
3 min read
How does Mentalist Suhani Shah Read Minds?
First of all let us know what is the background of Suhani Shah. Suhani Shah took her first step in the field of magic at the age of seven...

Transform Mania
1 min read
Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder is the root of cancer!
Johnson's Baby Powder is a powder used by many mothers for their babies. But be careful while using the powder or Stop using it...

Transform Mania
3 min read
Five Learnings from Russia- Ukraine War
For a few days, the disputes going on in Russia and Ukraine are increasing day by day. These disputes have now taken the form of war. If...

Transform Mania
3 min read
Hijab Controversy Mastermind | Red Alert for Students involved in Hijab Controversy
Recently, 26 January was celebrated with great fanfare all over the country, on this day the Constitution was implemented in India. It...

Transform Mania
3 min read
Hindusthani Bhau is Misleading Youth of India | Alert for Youth of India
It has become a fashion to do Bhaigiri these days. By doing this, news comes in the newspaper, fame comes in less time, popularity...

Transform Mania
4 min read
Mid Brain Activation Scam in Shark Tank India and KBC on Sony TV
Shark Tank India is a new series launched on Sony TV. In which people from every corner of India come and present their business idea to...

Transform Mania
2 min read
Current Condition of India's First Girl's School... Tourism Minister get up!
To date, only two persons in India have conferred the title of Mahatma. The two persons are Gandhiji and Phule. Today, Indian women are...

Transform Mania
2 min read
11 Steps to recover the loss of Students in Village | How to improve the quality of Education
Schools have been closed for the past 21 months due to the Corona epidemic. The classes were started online in preparation for the exams...

Transform Mania
1 min read
Symptoms of Omicron suggested by WHO | Precautions to save from Omicron
Corona is not finished yet and can't say when it will leave. Corona, Delta, and more recently a new species found in South Africa....

Transform Mania
3 min read
Are you following right (Baba) Monk? | 5 ways to check Fraud Baba
Long ago, human beings were amazed by the phenomena of nature, such as thunder, rain, earthquakes, storms, etc. Later the man's brain...

Transform Mania
3 min read
The Reality of Privatization | Privatization Right or Wrong? | 6 Best Solutions for Privatization.
The transfer of an industry or organization from the public sector to the private sector is called privatization. In the process of...

Transform Mania
3 min read
Is it right to shut down a city or a country to show protest against some event..?
To show opposition to any event in India, political parties, social organizations, or religious organizations call for a bandh. In which...

Transform Mania
4 min read
10 Best Practices which can give us more medals in Olympic
The country becomes famous in the world that has something special. Having a natural gift is not in our hands but it can be earned...

Transform Mania
4 min read
Last chance to save yourself!
The person who is considered very intelligent and powerful! But sometimes seeing his actions, it seems that man is the most stupid...

Transform Mania
4 min read
Who is responsible for the damage caused by floods?
Rain… who doesn't like it? Soothing Atmosphere, Greenery everywhere… But if this rain is more than the limit… and when this rain takes...

Transform Mania
2 min read
How overthinking is killing you daily!
Man is the most thoughtful animal. He was able to make progress only because of his ability to think. But nowadays he is thinking of...
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